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Self-guided tour community Berlin with captivating audio stories – Berlin

Joined 6 people
February 19 at 12:00 pm
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Pariser Platz, 10117 Berlin
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Organized by

Self-guided tour community Berlin

the event

Surroundings of Berlin –

– Potsdam 36 km

– Werder 55 km

– Spandau 16 km

– Köpenick 16 km

– Brandenburg 53 km

Meetpoint: As you choose it with your walk partner

Discover Berlin on your own way with web audio city guides

You are new in the city or you are just a traveller, you travel alone or with friends or partner, but you would like to share your experience with someone?

So try one of these audio guides in Berlin to discover the city when and where it suites you (event at night even when everything was booked):

  • Trales Audio Guides
  • TouringBee
  • Clio Muse Tours
  • VoiceMap Audio Tours and others

To find a partner for such a walk install Wish Gravity App and describe your walkwish or join this community and propose your own citywalk/city biketour/skate tour or whatever you like

This format can help you to meet new people or find new local friends via real life activities.


Joined 6 people

This event chat and more activity partners in the App

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Ich fand das Format toll, habe coole neue Leute in der Stadt kennengelernt und viel über Berlin gelernt.

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I loved the format, met cool new people in the city and learnt a lot about Berlin.

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