
How to find a new partner for tennis?


             If you are already familiar with tennis and you have some experience in this game. You would like to play it more often but you don’t have a regular partner. Here are some tips where and how to find the right one.

             Someone who is ready to enjoy the game and to practice, train and grow. Not for one time match or doesn’t want to show off who is the best player, but someone who wants to play on a regular basis. Someone who has a relevant level and who is interesting to play with? 

Here are some tips how to look for a tennis partner: 

Visit open games:

Some clubs have open hours when club participants gather and play in freely selected pairs. You can visit such games and meet there someone who would like to play beyond the scheduled trainings.

Search on Gravity:

Gravity as a social search engine helps you to find people with the same interests. Type in your search request and see who is looking for a co-player as well. Get in touch with them and agree on the time of the game. For example it is possible to attend matches with random players like this Open tennis matches with random partners

Check local messenger groups:

Sometimes big communities cluster in chats, so you can find someone matching your skills there. It could be a chat of a university, a big tennis club or a sport center. 

Try one of these tips! We hope it will help you to find a kindred spirit to develop your tennis skills and enjoy the game!

More local events and people who is ready to go with are waiting for you in the app, try it!
