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Halloween excursion Erbach: Stories about the castle ghost Luidji

Joined 2 people
October 31 2023 at 17:00
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Marktplatz 7, 64711 Erbach
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Organized by

Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten Hessen

the event

to Erbach –

-from Seligenstadt 50 km

-fromDarmstadt 42 km

-from Frankfurt am Main 70 km

-from Mannheim 70 km

-from Heidelberg 53 km

For participation registration needed
Duration: 1 Hour
Good reason to travel

Halloween for children at Erbach Castle

A little ghost called Luiji has been living in Erbach Castle for a long time. He wakes up at night when everyone is asleep. Luidschi likes to get frisky and throw things from the Count’s collection, and he also likes to eat sweets, so that in the morning you can see crumbs on the castle floor.

On Halloween day, children in different costumes gather in the castle to hear stories about Luidschi and find out where he is hiding!

Registration required by e-mail or telephone
E-mail: schloss-erbach@schloesser-hessen.com or
Tel: +49 6062 809360

Joined 2 people

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