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Immerse yourself in the art of mural painting – Seligenstadt

Joined 1 people
July 6 2023 at 5:30 pm
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Klosterhof 2 63500 Seligenstadt
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Organized by

Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten Hessen

the event

Meetpoint: Klosterladen
For participation registration needed
Duration: 2 Stunden
Good reason to travel

At this event you can experience what it was like to be an artist in the Middle Ages and what it was like to create a mural today and back then.

Experience the process of creating a mural first-hand in a series of guided tours. Perfect for artists and art lovers.

The workshop series “Historic Building Site – Mural Painting” is a three-part offer that builds on each other. All three workshops are booked as a package.

The first unit includes a guided tour of the rooms in the monastery with wall paintings (summer refectory and library). Special attention will be paid to the function and technology of the wall paintings.

Afterwards, painting sketches will be prepared. The participants will select a detail of the painting on site, in the summer refectory during the warm season and in the library during the cold season. Then they sketch their own designs.

In the second course unit, the participants learn how to make mortar and paint. They create their own plaster boards and transfer the painting sketches from unit 1 using a stencil.

In the third course unit, paintings are created. For this, the specially created stains are used to make the paintings.

Registration required:
E-Mail: kloster-seligenstadt@schloesser.hessen.de
Tel.: +49 (0)6182 – 22 640
Tel.: +49 (0)6182 – 9 935 128

Visit Seligenstadt by car or bike!
It’s a great town to see.

For itinerary:

  • 30 km from Frankfurt
  • 40 km from Darmstadt
  • 17 km from Aschaffenburg
  • 48km from Michelstadt
Joined 1 people

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