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Suspenders, dresses and men’s handbags – fashion from the Staufer period

Joined 1 people
October 16 2022 at 11:00
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Lebendiges Museum, Kaiserpfalz Gelnhausen, Burgstraße 14
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Organized by

Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten Hessen

the event

Meetpoint: Museumsshop
For participation registration needed
Good reason for travel

Duration: 1 hour

Immerse yourself in medieval fashion!

The castle courtyard as a runway, showing the hottest creations of the High Middle Ages along with the right accessories for the perfect appearance. Beautiful shoes, elaborate hairstyles and skin-tight clothing are part of it – but for whom? Who wore the richer clothes – man or woman? And what did the people of the Staufer period actually wear under their skirts? Of course, the handbag should not be missing, along with the answer to the question of what belongs in there… Registration is required to participate.


E-Mail: martin.weckler@schloesser.hessen.de
Tel.: +49 (0)6181 9 065 090

Joined 1 people

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