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Theatrical readings “Have cottages, there we would live” – Seligenstadt

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January 12 2023 at 20:00
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Organized by

Kunstforum Seligenstadt e.V.

the event

The touching, funny and sometimes ironic story “Have cottages. That’s where we’d live” returns to the audience.

The two actors and presenters Annette Schiedeck and Jens-Uwe Krause take their audience into the wonderful world of personals.
The unusual text, which combines grace, irony, wit and comedy, is presented to the audience in the form of theatrical readings and tells the story of “partner prose”. Almost all the excesses of human life can be found in this story: lies, jokes, demands and poetry. Sometimes in a comical way, but often unintentionally funny.

Come and enjoy an unusual story performed by a wonderful cast.

Tickets are available from the Tourist-Info, Marktplatz 1, 63500 Seligenstadt, Tel. 06182-878010 or from or Frankfurtticket.

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