© Heidi Bastian, Johannes Ludwig
wish gravity app Kunstarche, Heidi Bastian, ohne Titel, 2019

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A special feeling. Wiesbaden artist exhibition in the Kunstarche – Wiesbaden

Joined 4 people
January 14 at 11:30 am
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Kunstarche Wiesbaden, Im Rad 42 · 65197 Wiesbaden
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Organized by

Kunstarche Wiesbaden e.V.

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Surroundings of Wiesbaden –

– Seligenstadt 59 km

– Mainz 17 km

– Frankfurt 39 km

– Bad Homburg 43 km

– Bad Soden 30 km

– Königstein in the Taunus 37 km

Immerse yourself in a special feeling. Wiesbaden artists’ exhibition “Willst Du in Künstlers Lande gehen?” at the Kunstarche.

At the end of the year, the Kunstarche prepared a special exhibition for its visitors. It aims to convey a different view of the world through the special individual world views of 11 artists. These mental spaces show how different and sometimes contrary artists’ views and world views can be.

The thoughts of 11 virtuoso artists (in alphabetical order):

  • Heidi Bastian (estate),
  • Bernd Brach,
  • Ihren Einsatz
  • Arnold Gorski,
  • Udo W. Gottfried,
  • Gertraud Hasselbach,
  • Dr Günter Lehr,
  • Johannes Ludwig,
  • Wolff Mirus,
  • Renate Reifert,
  • Gunhild Scharpff.
    will be present before you in various realisations.

Johannis Ludwig shares with you the joy of observing the light that illuminates the most peculiar feelings in his paintings. At the same time, Renate Reifert shows the refraction of light and the realisation of the inner spirit in a completely different way in her aerial paintings. Bernd Brach brings the sounds of music and rhythm to life in a completely different, cheerful and energetic way in his colourful works.

Heidi Bastian (2022), who left us so early, addresses the contact with the world and nature through her otherworldly, quiet and still, yet clearly perceptible paintings. Her ideas are complemented by Gertraud Hasselbach, who enters into a dialogue with nature with her three-dimensional drawing sculptures.

But it’s difficult to describe in words, it’s best to come and see for yourself!

Come to this exhibition to have an unheard dialogue with these 11 artists.


Opening: Sunday 12 November 2023, 11.30 am with an introduction by Rolf Weber-Schmidt

Opening hours: Tuesdays to Fridays 9.30 am – 12.30 pm, additionally on Wednesdays from 3 pm – 6 pm and on request

Im Rad 42 – 65197 Wiesbaden

Tel. 0611 525391, www.kunstarche-wiesbaden.org, kontakt@kunstarche-wiesbaden.org

Admission is free.

Finissage, Sunday 14 January 2024, 11.30 am

Joined 4 people

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